Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why Old People Should Go To War

I think we should send old people to war instead of the young. I think that if we threaten to send grandparents to war, that their children and grandchildren would never let it happen, so there would be no war. It does not work the other way around. Old people vote and old people make the wars. Reverse the process and there would be world peace. I want to see the enlistment age raised to eighty…..

Social Security will soon run out and with military service comes guaranteed housing, medical and financial security.

Old people tend to move slower than the younger population, which means there would
be more opportunity for negotiation while the troops are gathered.

Old people have already lived their lives, with this experience hopefully comes a better appreciation and value for a long lived life.

Old people get injured easily, which increases the likelihood of a broken bone that would remove them from the conflict.

Many old people cannot see well, this reduces the likelihood of an old person being able to shoot an opposing old person in given conflict.

Old people are too nice and trusting to engage each other in mortal combat.

Old people have had their children, so generations will not be lost with their loss.

Old people understand the value of a hard earned dollar…which would entitle them to equal pay to that of a sports star because old people would demand that if a guy who can run a ball makes a fortune, then naturally a person who gets shot at to protect the sports star's freedom should make a similar wage.

Old people can sustain the hours of boredom that combat requires.

Old people are very excitable; this will keep them sharp and ready for their enemy.

The fog of war is a natural state of mind for an old person.

Statues of brave old people would be a new medium for artists.

Old people are wise and thus too smart to go.


  1. Love the concept!
    As an old fart of 72 I can imagine my contribution on the front lines as I hobble along with my cane, unable to haul around a backpack over 5 pounds, let again a weapon.

  2. Problem is many of the old guys have seen war in one form or another and wouldn't go. Other old guys are the ones that send people to war. Young guys who willingly go to war either haven't been before or have been and feel that they have business to settle or have to get something out of their system. There will always be war because somebody in power or with an agenda wants it and will gain from it but will send somebody else to do the fighting. And there will always be people who will fall for the propaganda and the bullshit and think that the war is a noble cause. But it hardly ever is.

  3. My bones are brittle and my eyesight poor but if I could I would gladly go to keep the young from losing their youth far too early.
